by Tutors on Call | Apr 15, 2018 | Health, Insights
The Ugly Face of Cyberbullying In the digital age, schools are grappling with an insidious menace known as cyberbullying. Far from traditional face-to-face bullying, this modern form of aggression spreads its roots deep within the online world, inflicting emotional...
by Tutors on Call | Apr 1, 2018 | Health, Insights
Strategies To Help Your Child With ADHD “This child is bouncing off the walls!” exclaims the frustrated mother. Dealing with short-lived rambunctious energy is one battle parents fight daily. But, when this rambunctiousness becomes 24/7 spectacle parents begin tearing...
by Tutors on Call | Mar 1, 2018 | Health, Insights, Raising Teens
Strategies to Reduce Anxiety The world looks different through the eyes of a child. Some things that an adult may be able to overcome with ease may seem like an insurmountable mountain to a child. Statistics Canada reveals that in 2013 about “2.6 percent of Canadians...
by Tutors on Call | Apr 22, 2015 | Health, Insights
The Benefits of Yoga for Kids Kids at school deal with different kinds of stress on a daily basis. Just like adults, they need some time off to relax and free their minds from their everyday strenuous activities. One of the most effective ways to do this is through...
by Tutors on Call | Mar 9, 2015 | Health, Insights
How to Reduce Homework Stress When they said that learning is a never-ending process, no one mentioned that it also entails bringing a hefty workload home. Sadly, homework time can become a nightmare for many students. As a result, a constant struggle ensues between...
by Tutors on Call | Feb 20, 2015 | Health, Insights
Sleep Better: Smart Tips for Teens In our previous post on How to Ace Your Second Semester, we presented helpful ways to be successful in the second half of your academic year. Moreover, we would also like to emphasize another important point: the vital role of sleep...