Lethbridge Tutors
Your local tutoring company
What our Lethbridge tutors teach
K to Grade 7
Grades 8 to 12
College & University
Why choose Tutors on Call?
Qualified Tutors
- University Degree
- Certified Teacher, masters or PhD
- 2+ yrs experience teaching or tutoring
Pay as You Go
- No Packages
- No Contract
- Cancel at anytime
Dedicated Tutor
- Same tutor each lesson
- Build rapport
- Customize lessons based on student’s learning style
Canadian Tutors
- Canadian company
- Canadian tutors
- We know our curriculum
We are flexible
Enjoy complete flexibility – change your tutor, schedule, frequency, session length, or cancel anytime!
Neighborhoods our Lethbridge tutors serve
Our Lethbridge tutors offer in-person tutoring at a library or the student’s home.
Located in a community outside of Lethbridge? Give us a call and let’s see if we can help!
Lethbridge Neighborhoods
- West Highlands
- Garry Station
- Copperwood
- Sunridge
- Riverstone
- Paradise Canyon
- Ridgewood
- Heritage Heights
- Lakeview
- Fairmont
- Uplands
- Legacy Ridge
- Blackwolf
- Indian Battle Heights
- Varsity Village
- Westminster
- Glendale
- Southgate
- Park Royal
- London Road
Supporting students from Lethbridge schools

Elementary Schools
- Agnes Davidson School
- Coalbanks Elementary School
- Dr. Gerald B. Probe Elementary School
- Fleetwood-Bawden School
- Galbraith School
- Lakeview Elementary School
- Mike Mountain Horse Elementary School
- Nicholas Sheran School
- Park Meadows Elementary School
- Father Leonard Van Tighem School
- St. Patrick Fine Arts Elementary School
- St. Teresa of Calcutta School
- St. Paul School
Middle Schools
- Gilbert Paterson Middle School
- G.S. Lakie Middle School
- Senator Joyce Fairbairn Middle School
- Father Leonard Van Tighem School (Grades 7-9)
- St. Francis Junior High School
Secondary Schools
- Lethbridge Collegiate Institute (LCI)
- Winston Churchill High School
- Chinook High School
- Catholic Central High School
Private Schools
- Ecole La Vérendrye (Francophone School)
- Lethbridge Christian School
- Immanuel Christian Elementary School
- Immanuel Christian Secondary School
- Montessori School of Lethbridge
- Ecole St. Mary (French Immersion, Catholic)
- Lighthouse Christian Academy
Colleges & Universities
- University of Lethbridge
- Lethbridge College
Questions about our tutoring services in Lethbridge?
Do you offer tutoring at local Lethbridge libraries?
Absolutely! Our Lethbridge tutors can meet students at local libraries, including the Lethbridge Public Library Main Branch and the Crossings Branch. Before arranging a session at any library, we recommend contacting the library to confirm their policies on tutoring and to book a suitable space if needed.
How long are the in-person and online lessons?
The online lessons are a minimum of 60 minutes and the in-person lessons are a minimum of 90 minutes.
Do you assist university and college students in Lethbridge?
Yes, we provide specialized tutoring for students at the University of Lethbridge and Lethbridge College, including help with research projects, essay writing, and advanced coursework in various disciplines.
Can your tutors help students prepare for the unique demands of the Alberta curriculum?
Absolutely! Our tutors are well-versed in the Alberta curriculum and can provide targeted support for Provincial Achievement Tests (PATs) and coursework aligned with local school standards.
How do you handle missed sessions during Lethbridge’s unpredictable weather?
For in-person sessions impacted by snowstorms or high winds, we offer online alternatives or flexible rescheduling options to ensure students don’t fall behind.
How do you support students transitioning from elementary to middle school in Lethbridge?
Our tutors focus on building foundational skills, study habits, and confidence to ensure a smooth transition from elementary schools like Agnes Davidson School to middle schools like Gilbert Paterson Middle School.
Your Local Tutoring Solution – Simple, Flexible, Effective
Want to learn more?
Send us a message or give us a call
Registration takes only 5 minutes and can be done over the phone or through an online registration form.
Start the lessons in as little as 24 hours!