Oshawa Tutors
Your local tutoring company
What our Oshawa tutors teach
K to Grade 7
Grades 8 to 12
College & University
Why choose Tutors on Call?
Qualified Tutors
- University Degree
- Certified Teacher, masters or PhD
- 2+ yrs experience teaching or tutoring
Pay as You Go
- No Packages
- No Contract
- Cancel at anytime
Dedicated Tutor
- Same tutor each lesson
- Build rapport
- Customize lessons based on student’s learning style
Canadian Tutors
- Canadian company
- Canadian tutors
- We know our curriculum
We are flexible
Enjoy complete flexibility – change your tutor, schedule, frequency, session length, or cancel anytime!
Neighborhoods our Oshawa tutors serve
Our Oshawa tutors offer in-person tutoring at a library or the student’s home.
Located in a community outside of Oshawa? Give us a call and let’s see if we can help!
Oshawa Neighborhoods
- Windfields
- Pinecrest
- Taunton
- Centennial
- Eastdale
- Donevan
- Lakeview
- McLaughlin
- O’Neill
- Vanier
- Northglen
- Samac
- Central Oshawa
- Kedron
Supporting students from Oshawa schools

Elementary Schools
Durham District School Board (DDSB):
- Adelaide McLaughlin Public School
- Beau Valley Public School
- Bobby Orr Public School
- Clara Hughes Public School
- College Hill Public School
- Coronation Public School
- David Bouchard Public School
- C.F. Cannon Public School
- S.J. Phillips Public School
- Elsie MacGill Public School
- Forest View Public School
- Glen Street Public School
- Gordon B. Attersley Public School
- Harmony Heights Public School
- Hillsdale Public School
- Jeanne Sauvé Public School
- Kedron Public School
- Lakewoods Public School
- Mary Street Community School
- Norman G. Powers Public School
- Northern Dancer Public School
- Pierre Elliott Trudeau Public School
- Queen Elizabeth Public School
- Seneca Trail Public School
- Sherwood Public School
- Stephen G. Saywell Public School
- Sunset Heights Public School
- Village Union Public School
- Vincent Massey Public School
- Walter E. Harris Public School
- Waverly Public School
- Woodcrest Public School
Durham Catholic District School Board (DCDSB):
- Sir Albert Love Catholic School
- St. Christopher Catholic School
- St. John Bosco Catholic School
- St. Joseph Catholic School
- John XXIII Catholic School
- Monsignor Philip Coffey Catholic School
- St. Hedwig Catholic School
- St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic School
- St. Kateri Tekakwitha Catholic School
Conseil scolaire Viamonde (French Public School Board):
- École élémentaire Antonine Maillet
Conseil scolaire catholique MonAvenir (French Catholic School Board):
- École élémentaire catholique Corpus-Christi
Secondary Schools
Durham District School Board (DDSB):
- Eastdale Collegiate and Vocational Institute
- L. Roberts Collegiate and Vocational Institute
- Maxwell Heights Secondary School
- O’Neill Collegiate and Vocational Institute
- S. McLaughlin Collegiate and Vocational Institute
- Durham Alternative Secondary School
Durham Catholic District School Board (DCDSB):
- Monsignor John Pereyma Catholic Secondary School
- Monsignor Paul Dwyer Catholic High School
Private Schools
- Kingsway College
- Sacred Heart Academy
- Columbus Private School
- Durham Elementary Private School
- Blaisdale Montessori School
Colleges & Universities
- Ontario Tech University
- Durham College
Questions about our tutoring services in Oshawa?
Do you offer tutoring at local Oshawa libraries?
Yes, we do! Our Oshawa tutors are available to meet students at local libraries, including the McLaughlin Branch, Northview Branch, and Jess Hann Branch of the Oshawa Public Libraries. We recommend reaching out to the library in advance to confirm their policies on tutoring and to reserve an appropriate space for your session.
How long are the in-person and online lessons?
The online lessons are a minimum of 60 minutes and the in-person lessons are a minimum of 90 minutes.
Are there programs for younger students in Oshawa who need early literacy support?
Yes, we offer literacy programs for elementary students, including tailored support for phonics, reading comprehension, and writing. This is especially beneficial for children in schools like Dr. S.J. Phillips or Glen Street Public School.
Can tutoring sessions be rescheduled due to weather conditions in Oshawa?
Absolutely! Oshawa winters can bring challenging weather, so we offer flexibility to reschedule sessions during snowstorms or icy conditions. We also recommend online sessions as an alternative.
Can your tutors assist with university-level courses?
Yes, we support students who are attending Ontario Tech University and Durham College in subjects like engineering, computer science, nursing, and business, providing in-depth help with assignments, labs, and exam preparation.
Can my child receive tutoring for specialized programs, like IB or AP courses?
Absolutely! Our tutors are experienced in supporting students enrolled in IB or AP programs in Oshawa, helping them succeed in advanced coursework.
Your Local Tutoring Solution – Simple, Flexible, Effective
Want to learn more?
Send us a message or give us a call
Registration takes only 5 minutes and can be done over the phone or through an online registration form.
Start the lessons in as little as 24 hours!