Pitt Meadows Tutors

Your local tutoring company

What our Pitt Meadows tutors teach

Our Pitt Meadows tutors deliver personalized, one-on-one tutoring aligned with the British Columbia curriculum.

We support learners from top schools like Pitt Meadows Elementary, Pitt Meadows Secondary, and Douglas College. Whether the student is in elementary school, high school, or pursuing higher education, our tutors have your back.

Why choose Tutors on Call?


Qualified Tutors

  • University Degree
  • Certified Teacher, masters or PhD
  • 2+ yrs experience teaching or tutoring

Pay as You Go

  • No Packages
  • No Contract
  • Cancel at anytime

Dedicated Tutor

  • Same tutor each lesson
  • Build rapport
  • Customize lessons based on student’s learning style

Canadian Tutors

  • Canadian company
  • Canadian tutors
  • We know our curriculum

We are flexible

Enjoy complete flexibility – change your tutor, schedule, frequency, session length, or cancel anytime!

Neighborhoods our Pitt Meadows tutors serve

Our tutors offer in-person tutoring at a library or the student’s home.

Located in a community outside of Pitt Meadows?  Give us a call and let’s see if we can help!

Pitt Meadows Neighborhoods
  • Pitt Meadows City Centre
  • Central Meadows
  • Mid Meadows
  • South Meadows
  • North Meadows

Supporting students from Pitt Meadows schools

Pitt Meadows Tutors
Elementary Schools
  • Davie Jones Elementary
  • Edith McDermott Elementary
  • Highland Park Elementary School
  • Pitt Meadows Elementary School
Secondary Schools
  • Pitt Meadows Secondary School
Private Schools
  • CEFA Early Learning
  • Meadowridge School
Colleges & Universities
  • Ridge Meadows College
  • Vancouver Aviation College
  • Canadian Aviation College

Questions about our tutoring services in Pitt Meadows?

Do you offer tutoring at local Pitt Meadows libraries?

Our tutors can meet students at local libraries, including the Pitt Meadows Public Library (12099 Harris Road) and the nearby Maple Ridge Public Library (22470 Dewdney Trunk Road). Before scheduling, we recommend contacting the library to confirm tutoring policies and reserve space. These locations offer quiet, student-friendly environments for effective learning.

How long are the in-person and online lessons?

The online lessons are a minimum of 60 minutes and the in-person lessons are a minimum of 90 minutes.

Are your tutors familiar with the BC curriculum requirements specific to Pitt Meadows schools?

Yes, all of our tutors are trained in the British Columbia curriculum and are experienced in working with students from Pitt Meadows schools, ensuring targeted and effective support.

Can Pitt Meadows tutors help with French Immersion programs offered in local schools?

Yes, our tutors are experienced in French Immersion programs and can assist students attending schools like Pitt Meadows Elementary.

Your Local Tutoring Solution – Simple, Flexible, Effective

15 + 4 =

Want to learn more?

Send us a message or give us a call

Registration takes only 5 minutes and can be done over the phone or through an online registration form.

Start the lessons in as little as 24 hours!