Educational Activities During Spring Break

Finding educational activities during spring break that engage your children can be challenging. Any holiday is viewed by children as a time for fun and games. The trick is to find activities that strike a balance between fun and learning. Some possible activities that fall into this category are described below.

educational activities during Spring Break

A Scavenger Hunt

Scavenger hunts can take on a variety of formats and themes. They can be transformed into fun educational activities by turning the clues into fun puzzles. The puzzles can focus on elements of math, science, and even social studies that your children are learning in school. Your children will want to complete the puzzles because they know that a prize is waiting for them.


Create a Movie

Entertainment is a multi-billion dollar industry. Fostering your children’s ability to think creatively and create their own productions helps them develop crucial skills needed for success in the entertainment industry. Challenge your children to use movie-making apps. Reward them with a movie primer night where family and friends are invited to watch the final product. Your children will have fun learning new skills that will benefit them for a lifetime.


Let Your Child Build a Computer

Children who are genuinely interested in technology should do more than play video games and manipulate apps on their devices. Instead, they should learn how the hardware of computer works. Building a model computer from scratch is an educational activity that most hands-on learners will find fun. The Kano Computer Kit is a perfect starting point for younger children. It costs 263.23 CDN on Amazon, but it is a worthwhile investment to support your child’s passion for technology. You can also buy a separate screen add-on piece for 259.99 CDN.


Create Origami Frogs

Origami is the Japanese art of paper folding. Research has shown that this ancient art can improve a child’s spatial-visual skills. You can get a pack of origami paper for as low as $4.14 on Amazon. This website explains how to create Origami frogs that actually jump. It even explains some fun games that you and your children can play with the frogs you’ve created.


Create Foam Paint

Help your kids have a little fun with science by guiding them through the process of creating foam paint. You will need shaving cream, glue, a Ziploc bag, and food coloring. Place the shaving cream, glue, and desired food coloring into a Ziploc bag. Seal the bag and then squish the ingredients together. Snip the end of the bag so that your kids can pipe the paint onto the right surface to create beautiful works of art.


Final thoughts

Education doesn’t have to be boring. The activities listed in this article help children explore their creativity. Some also help children unwittingly develop critical thinking and spatial-visual skills.