Whitby Tutors
Your local tutoring company
What our Whitby tutors teach
K to Grade 7
Grades 8 to 12
College & University
Why choose Tutors on Call?
Qualified Tutors
- University Degree
- Certified Teacher, masters or PhD
- 2+ yrs experience teaching or tutoring
Pay as You Go
- No Packages
- No Contract
- Cancel at anytime
Dedicated Tutor
- Same tutor each lesson
- Build rapport
- Customize lessons based on student’s learning style
Canadian Tutors
- Canadian company
- Canadian tutors
- We know our curriculum
We are flexible
Enjoy complete flexibility – change your tutor, schedule, frequency, session length, or cancel anytime!
Neighborhoods our Whitby tutors serve
Our Whitby tutors offer in-person tutoring at a library or the student’s home.
Located in a community outside of Whitby? Give us a call and let’s see if we can help!
Whitby Neighborhoods
- Brooklin
- Downtown Whitby
- Williamsburg
- Pringle Creek
- Rolling Acres
- Taunton North
- Lynde Creek
- Blue Grass Meadows
- Port Whitby
- West Lynde
Supporting students from Whitby schools

Elementary Schools
Durham District School Board (DDSB):
- Bellwood Public School
- Blair Ridge Public School
- Brooklin Village Public School
- Captain Michael VandenBos Public School
- E. Broughton Public School
- Colonel J.E. Farewell Public School
- Chris Hadfield Public School
- Robert Thornton Public School
- A. Fairman Public School
- Fallingbrook Public School
- Glen Dhu Public School
- Jack Miner Public School
- John Dryden Public School
- Julie Payette Public School
- Meadowcrest Public School
- Ormiston Public School
- Pierre Elliott Trudeau Public School
- Pringle Creek Public School
- Robert Munsch Public School
- Sir Samuel Steele Public School
- Sir William Stephenson Public School
- West Lynde Public School
- Whitby Shores Public School
- Williamsburg Public School
- Willows Walk Public School
- Winchester Public School
Durham Catholic District School Board (DCDSB):
- St. Bernard Catholic School
- St. Bridget Catholic School
- St. John the Evangelist Catholic School
- St. John Paul II Catholic School
- St. Leo Catholic School
- St. Luke the Evangelist Catholic School
- St. Marguerite d’Youville Catholic School
- St. Mark the Evangelist Catholic School
- St. Matthew the Evangelist Catholic School
- St. Paul Catholic School
- St. Theresa Catholic School
Conseil scolaire catholique MonAvenir (French-language Catholic School Board):
- École élémentaire catholique Jean-Paul II
Secondary Schools
Durham District School Board (DDSB):
- Anderson Collegiate Vocational Institute
- Brooklin High School
- Donald A. Wilson Secondary School
- Henry Street High School
- Sinclair Secondary School
- Grove Secondary School
Durham Catholic District School Board (DCDSB):
- All Saints Catholic Secondary School
- Father Leo J. Austin Catholic Secondary School
Conseil scolaire catholique MonAvenir (French-language Catholic School Board):
- École secondaire catholique Saint-Charles-Garnier
Private Schools
- Trafalgar Castle School
- Blyth Academy Whitby
- Whitby Montessori and Elementary School
- Kendalwood Montessori and Elementary School
- Fairport Montessori Academy
Colleges & Universities
- Durham College – Whitby Campus
- Canada Christian College
Questions about our tutoring services in Whitby?
Do you offer tutoring at local Whitby libraries?
Yes, we do! Our Whitby tutors can meet students at local libraries, including the Whitby Central Library, Brooklin Branch, and Rossland Branch. Before booking a session, we recommend contacting the library to confirm they can accommodate tutoring activities and reserving an appropriate space.
How long are the in-person and online lessons?
The online lessons are a minimum of 60 minutes and the in-person lessons are a minimum of 90 minutes.
Do you provide tutoring support for students transitioning to French Immersion programs in Whitby?
Yes! Many Whitby schools, such as Jack Miner Public School and Henry Street High School, offer French Immersion programs. Our tutors can assist students with French language skills, ensuring a smooth transition and continued success in the program.
Can Whitby tutors help students who are homeschooled?
Definitely! We offer customized tutoring plans for homeschooled students in Whitby, aligning with the Ontario curriculum while adapting to the family’s unique learning goals and schedule.
What happens with in-person lessons when there is a winter storm making commuting dangerous?
During Whitby’s winter months, snow and icy roads can disrupt in-person sessions. In such cases, our tutors offer the option to switch to online sessions, ensuring consistency.
Are tutors familiar with Whitby-specific academic challenges?
Yes, our tutors understand the unique academic challenges faced by Whitby students, such as the transition between French immersion programs or preparing for Ontario Tech University’s competitive entrance requirements. We focus on building foundational skills and confidence to tackle these challenges.
Your Local Tutoring Solution – Simple, Flexible, Effective
Want to learn more?
Send us a message or give us a call
Registration takes only 5 minutes and can be done over the phone or through an online registration form.
Start the lessons in as little as 24 hours!